The new year is a great reboot button. With the clarity of a successful year behind you and a clean slate ahead of you, your perspective has never been better. Is something missing? Are there career milestones or new workplace adventures you’d like to reach but at this rate seem impossible? Take this opportunity to start fresh and prioritize your career goals with these Warren Buffet encouraged steps.
1. Figure out what you want
This exercise may require you jot some things down, preferably in list form. Write down as many things as you can think of that you want to be a part of your life that aren’t already. What career opportunities would you like to have in the next few years, or perhaps even in a lifetime? Brainstorm and take notes, even if it seems impossible.
2. Narrow it down
Hopefully you’ve written yourself quite a nice list of 2017 (and beyond) career ambitions but a list of 20 or so things can get overwhelming. So let’s begin by picking the top 5. It may be difficult to narrow down your list of hopes and dreams but try to pick out the 5 that are most important to you.
3. Make a plan
Having a list is great, but if you don’t have actionable items to get you moving, you won’t ever tackle your goals. Figure out what steps you’ll need to take to get each of your 5 things; this will include people and resources you may need. Think about who you could talk to, who could help in certain areas and how you’ll go about engaging them. Are there courses you have to take or certifications you have to earn before completing your goals? Do you research now and make a plan on how to get started.
4. Commit
Your top 5 priorities are it. Don’t think about the other things on your list that didn’t make the cut – they no longer matter because they’re merely a distraction now. Focusing strongly on 5 things will end with more success than focusing bleary-eyed on 20, so stay committed to your 5 and forget all else.
That seems simple enough, wouldn’t you say? Four steps to reaching your career goals for this year, the next 5 years or a lifetime? The strategy will work because it gives you lines to color inside of; things to focus on and things to ignore. It’s a structure that makes things black and white, as clear as possible and easy to follow. So give it a shot as you rethink your 2017 career ambitions. There’s no better time.
Do you need help increasing job visibility or prioritizing your career goals? My executive coaching services can help you hone your communication skills and clearly define your goals and objectives.