Welcome, loyal readers and new subscribers.
I hope you’ve had a wonderful start to spring!
My heartfelt thanks goes to the readers who sent their feedback in response to my questions in last month’s issue. I responded to some of you personally, and I really appreciate everyone who took the time to write.
I’ve decided to publish this e-zine quarterly and/or when I have a career-related topic that I think you’d find helpful.
My business is doing well and I also want to make space and time to pursue other interests. Writing a monthly e-zine takes an enormous amount of effort… far more effort than meets the eye.
I also want to practice what I preach and take time to smell the flowers!
Until next time, sending you all best wishes in your career!
P.S. If you’d like to read past issues, visit my newsletter archive online.
P.P.S. I couldn’t resist sharing a photo of the absolutely breathtaking tulips we saw in a recent visit to the Brooklyn Botanical Garden.