Problems vs Solutions: 5 Tips to Change Your Workplace Thinking

Avoid trying to fix what isn’t broken

We’ve discussed obstacles and failures at the leadership level, but one critical way to improve your response to obstacles and failures at any level is to ensure your attitude is positive.

There are several ways to turn your workplace thinking away from counterproductive negativity. You know the very value of this because you’ve had that conversation with the office complainer. The office complainer is the person at work who is never satisfied and loves to say how dissatisfied they are without ever offering a positive way to fix the things they’re dissatisfied about. They’d rather complain and rev up your engine so you’ll complain with them. Not only is that person not helpful, they bring down office morale and leave you questioning your own positive outlook. There’s no room for that in a successful business.

If you’re a manager or director, you should use these 5 techniques to lead your team to success through your words and your actions. If you’re not a manager, exhibiting this type of thinking and positive approach will make you a viable managerial candidate in no time.

  1. Avoid trying to fix what isn’t broken

Don’t look for things to be mad about or ways to break down existing systems. Only attempt to improve a situation if it’s proven to have a negative impact to you, your coworkers, your customers or the business.

  1. Update your language

Whether communicating via email, phone or in person, avoid using dooming words like “fail” “problem” “mistake” “impossible” and “loss.” Replace those terms with more hopeful ones, such as “progress” “challenge” and “improve.” While on the topic of language, be sure to apply it outside of business chat as well. It should come as no surprise that it doesn’t set a good tone when you speak in a derogatory manner about your coworkers, customers or boss, so be sure to steer clear of that.

  1. Comply with the office dress code

When you decide you want to skirt around the office dress code, you’re showing signs of disrespect to management and the overall collaboration of your work community. While it may not be your intention, your actions speak loudly on your behalf. Stick within the structure to show you’re happy being a part of the team.

  1. Apply The Golden Rule

It’s called the Golden Rule for a reason and it will never stop being relevant. If someone has an idea you don’t agree with, put yourself in their shoes before you respond. Would you want someone jumping down your throat and belittling your thoughts? Or would you prefer someone offer to work with you to improve the base of your idea?

  1. Help Out

Your relationship with colleagues, employees and employers is vital to tipping the scale of the office atmosphere from negative to positive. Are you communicating? Are you being kind and pleasant? Are you offering to help when others could use it? If you finish your project while someone else is struggling, offer assistance for the good of the team.

It’s easy to fall into the trap of negativity at work.  But with the right thinking and minor actions, you can start to notice a turnaround not just in your mood, productivity and reputation around the water cooler, you’ll also start to get some of that positive attitude back from your colleagues.


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