5 Things Every Successful Leader Does

To be a great leader takes a lot of focus and consistency in your approach to workplace successes, problems and people. Many leadership talents are natural and instinctual. But many can also be learned behaviors and attitudes; experienced approaches when facing certain circumstances.

Across the board, here are 5 things most great workplace leaders do every day:

1. Challenge The Team

Whether encouraging employees to speak their mind, contribute to the team or put forth a stronger performance, a great leader doesn’t let things slide. They observe and acknowledge the hidden potential of those working around them and motivate them to success.

2. Avoid Ambiguity

Leaders need to make sure intentions and expectations are understood across the board. Job ambiguity is one of the more stressful workplace problems employees might face, so it’s important that they know where they stand and what’s expected of them. Discuss your vision and share actionable approaches to achieving that vision as a group or on behalf of the individual’s work. Also be clear about deadlines when necessary.

3. Be Held Accountable

Apart from just challenging their team or individuals to rise to the occasion, a leader must be held responsible for the performance of their employees. This means offering support, guidance and mentoring when necessary. Teaching and inspiring is as important as challenging.

4. Make Decisions

This is something people struggle with often, especially in business settings. But leaders have to step up and make the hard calls, sometimes. Because if they don’t, no one will. Making things happen is a skill, one that indicates the one in charge is informed and experienced in knowing how to give the company what it needs.

5. Offer and Accept Feedback

Listening is such an important component of communication and being open to what others have to say can make or break your relationship with your employees. A leader must make others feel safe to speak their mind and being respectful and receptive is how to do that. But communication works both ways so be sure to provide fair and balanced feedback in return. The more transparent each member of the team can be, the stronger the team will be collectively.

Being in a position of leadership should mean you got there through talent and hard work but there are different types of leaders and it’s important for the success of the team or company that you be a good one. We’ve all worked for someone we felt was uninspiring and perhaps counterproductive to our work ethic. But to be successful, it’s important to have a certain respect for your employees and workplace complications. Approach those situations positively and with trust and confidence in your team, you’ll find success too.


Do you want to motivate and lead your staff more effectively? My executive coaching services can help you hone your leadership skills and clearly define your goals and objectives.

4 Steps to Prioritizing Your Career Goals for 2014

The new year is a great reboot button. With the clarity of a successful year behind you and a clean slate ahead of you, your perspective has never been better. Is something missing? Are there career milestones or new workplace adventures you’d like to reach but at this rate seem impossible? Take this opportunity to start fresh and prioritize your career goals with these Warren Buffet encouraged steps.

1.      Figure out what you want

This exercise may require you jot some things down, preferably in list form. Write down as many things as you can think of that you want to be a part of your life that aren’t already. What career opportunities would you like to have in the next few years, or perhaps even in a lifetime? Brainstorm and take notes, even if it seems impossible.

2.     Narrow it down

Hopefully you’ve written yourself quite a nice list of 2014 (and beyond) career ambitions but a list of 20 or so things can get overwhelming. So let’s begin by picking the top 5. It may be difficult to narrow down your list of hopes and dreams but try to pick out the 5 that are most important to you.

3.     Make a plan

Having a list is great, but if you don’t have actionable items to get you moving, you won’t ever tackle your goals. Figure out what steps you’ll need to take to get each of your 5 things; this will include people and resources you may need. Think about who you could talk to, who could help in certain areas and how you’ll go about engaging them. Are there courses you have to take or certifications you have to earn before completing your goals? Do you research now and make a plan on how to get started.

4.     Commit

Your top 5 priorities are it. Don’t think about the other things on your list that didn’t make the cut – they no longer matter because they’re merely a distraction now. Focusing strongly on 5 things will end with more success than focusing bleary-eyed on 20, so stay committed to your 5 and forget all else.

That seems simple enough, wouldn’t you say? Four steps to reaching your career goals for this year, the next 5 years or a lifetime? The strategy will work because it gives you lines to color inside of; things to focus on and things to ignore. It’s a structure that makes things black and white, as clear as possible and easy to follow. So give it a shot as you rethink your 2014 career ambitions. There’s no better time.


Do you need help increasing job visibility or prioritizing your career goals? My executive coaching services can help you hone your communication skills and clearly define your goals and objectives.

Is My Boss Blocking My Career Advancement?

I’ve never been one for conspiracy theories but this one may ring true for some of you. Yes, it is possible your boss is actually the one standing in the way of you getting that promotion you deserve.

There are many reasons a boss might do this. But more importantly, here are a few ways you can fight back.

  1. Stay calm

Acting defensively or accusatory won’t get you very far. If your boss as blocked your promotion without discussing it with you, you have a reason to feel upset. But acting upset will only make the situation worse. Stay professional and try not to jump to conclusions.

  1. Ask questions

Whether you meet with your HR representative or your boss directly, ask all of the questions that you don’t know the answer to. Included in this should be “how can I improve my performance so that I can be considered for the position?” Taking that approach might get your questions answered while you still appear to be curious and determined. This is the best approach for long-term success.

  1. Dig a little deeper

If your questions are being answered vaguely, it’s okay to probe a little more. If you were told you didn’t get the job because someone else had more experience or a stronger skill set, ask for specifics on what kind of skills you’ll need to acquire before the next opportunity.

  1. Take action

If you were given specifics on skill sets and experience that you are, in fact, missing, make an action plan to acquire them. Attend any training sessions that may be available or seek office mentors that you may be able to learn from.

  1. Consider timing

Does a current project depend on you? Perhaps your boss can’t run the risk of losing such an important part of the team at such a volatile time. If you think this may be the case, have a one-on-one with your boss and ask him or her for a time frame that would be more appropriate for your potential promotion.

  1. Stay calm (still)

If you’ve done all you can do and it still seems your boss is blocking your promotion, it may very well be for selfish reasons on their behalf. As always, it’s important you remain calm. This would be a great opportunity to make an appointment with your HR representative and explain everything you’ve done; acquiring new skill sets, attending trainings, even setting up your future replacement for success. If they notice the patterns and realize things don’t add up, this may be when they intervene. If not, it may be time for you to look outside the company.

It can be a frustrating experience to be shut down for a deserved promotion by someone you thought was in your corner. But take the calm and logical steps to getting it sorted out and you may very well find your success.


Do you need help increasing job visibility or prioritizing your career goals? My executive coaching services can help you hone your communication skills and clearly define your goals and objectives.